Music by Southeast Missouri Composers (2015) available in Cape Girardeau at the Catapult Creative House, 412 S. Broadway.
The CD contains music by Southeast Student Composers. Sample tracks appear below:
Tiffany McKinney: Khaos
James Behlmann: The Three, text by Ezra Pound, Marie Meunier, voice.
Ethan Trimble: Fantasy for Didgeridoo and Percussion, Ethan Trimble, Didgeridoo.
Trevor Smith: Quintet.
Tyler Tuschhoff: Gone, Tessa McNally, voice.
Other recordings of music by students and former students:
Ricky Crews: Patriarchy, James Thompson, flutes, Ricky Crews piano.
Deavyn West: The Summit, Southeast Sundays ar Three, Brandon Christrensen, conducting.
Below: Photos of performances by student composers in the Crisp Museum, Southeast Missouri State University.